2 YEARS OLD !!!!!
Hello, again, as you can guess the twins are now 2 years old (and 2 weeks), the presents they recieved were :-
A Tweenie Trike each
A Bob the Builder doll each
A Pilchard Cat to share
A cabbage patch small doll each
A farmhouse with small animal figures to share (lol which they don't do, they fight over it!!)
Two days before their birthday they had a Meningitis jab each, so far they have had no side effects which is good news, hence the vote on the homepage - I was concerned about the lack of knowledge of the vacine in the UK and heard a lot of stories of children becoming ill after the jab.
The only thing which has happened since the jab was Shannon developing a cold, which cannot be linked to the vacine, she has had a chesty cough, before clearing her throat she has been trying to talk which makes her sound like the girl in the Poltegiest movie.
On November 4th we took the girls to their first bonfire night at West Park in Goole, this was not a good choice because West Park was very soggy and muddy after a week of heavy rain and there was between 5 and 10 thousand people in the park, we had to leave just before the fireworks commenced because Shannon was feeling very tired and cold and was screaming blue murder, for once Chloe didn't join her, she walked all the way home talking to herself, the moment they hit their pillows though they was asleep.
The vocabulary of the kids are coming along well, Chloe now calls Bob the Builder -- Bobbie and calls all babies --- Boy, Shannon and Chloe also say Dodie constantly which can get annoying after 3 hours of it, they have both starting saying --- nah niht to us when we put them to bed, and even ask us to put them to bed occassionaly.
More news soon on the twins development.