October 18, 1999
Since the last update Chloe and Shannon have both got into the exploring everything stage of their development!, there is nothing better for Shannon to do then take all her toys out of the toybox and then climb into the toybox and sit there waiting for the toys to be put back into the box!!
Chloe has started an annoying habit of grating her teeth when she eats, the sound goes straight through me and Emma but Chloe loves to do it!
With the babies birthdays coming up we have a problem of what to buy them because Christmas is just round the corner, do we spoil them with toys now or wait til Santa pays them a visit???, your views would be nice on this please email me on my new email address [email protected]
Both Chloe and Shannon have four teeth each, and they both like to nibble on finger foods, the best been milk chocolate buttons and white chocolate buttons, Shannon has started to feed herself the bottle, she lifts it high above her head and then lowers it into her mouth!, Chloe is still lazy and lets us feed her - she knows a good thing when she sees one!
They both hate to come out of the bath even though know they cannot stay in the tub for hours, they like to splash water all over the place and explore the water with there hands, and then they both scream when they come out of the bath!! :)